Filament Snake

Looking for a fresh twist on the classic Snake game? Look no further than Filament Snake! In this 3D printing-themed game, you'll guide a 3D printed filament snake through a virtual 3D printer bed, collecting filament spools to increase your score and grow your snake. But watch out - collide with the edges or your own body, and it's game over!

What sets Filament Snake apart is its 3D printing integration. As you play, you'll create a virtual 3D print that you can then download and print in real life. Imagine showing off your high score to your friends and family, then printing a custom trophy to commemorate your achievement!

Ready to become the ultimate filament wrangler?


Desktop Users

Press the start button and use your arrow keys to successfully navigate your filament snake

Mobile Users

Press the start button and use your swipe gestures to successfully navigate your filament snake

Download your custom 3D print when you're done to share with others on social media or in 3D printing groups. Play Filament Snake now and see if you have what it takes to be the the Ultimate Filament Wrangler!

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