So You Got A 3D Printer For Christmas Eh?

3d printer with red printed object

Welcome to the exciting world of 3D printing! If you've recently received a 3D printer as a gift or purchased one for yourself, you're in for a treat. With a 3D printer, you can create all kinds of amazing objects, from toys and figurines to functional parts and tools.

We all know that this article may be somewhat dry and that it's tough to cover every possible combination of things you may experience as a new 3D printer owner. That's why we encourage you to keep an eye on our knowledge base articles, as well as to reach out to us with any specific questions or concerns you may have. You can email us at, and we'll be happy to help.


So you got a 3D printer for Christmas, eh? Here are a few tips to get you started:

Read the manual:

It's important to thoroughly familiarize yourself with your 3D printer's specific features and capabilities. Make sure you understand how to set it up, load filament, and operate the controls.

Choose the right filament:

Choose the right filament: Different filaments have different properties and are suited for different types of projects. Consider the properties of different filaments and choose the one that's right for your project.

In my opinion, everyone should start with PLA filament. click here to learn more about PLA

Use the right settings:

Different 3D printing projects will require different print settings. Make sure you understand how to adjust things like print speed, infill, and layer height to get the best results for your specific project.

This article goes a bit more in-depth on how to adjust your slicer settings. 3D Printing requires some amount of iteration and testing to dial in your settings. settings that work for one person may not work for others due to differences in filament suppliers and even local weather.

Start small:

Don't try to tackle a complex project right off the bat. Start with something simple and work your way up. This will give you a chance to get a feel for the printer and how it works.

The ubiquitous test cube is a great first print and even seasoned pros will still print one now and then to dial in a new filament etc.

Be patient:

3D printing can be a bit of a waiting game. Larger projects can take hours or even days to complete, so make sure you have the time and patience to stick with it. Also, keep in mind that prints can fail so sometimes it pays to do a test print at a thicker layer height to verify some things before you commit to a high-resolution print.


Don't be afraid to try new things and experiment with different techniques and settings. This is the best way to learn and improve your 3D printing skills.

I cannot stress this point enough. Print as many things as you can. Test new settings and possibly even write down what you did and how you did it in a journal.

One tip some people do is to edit their gcode file to add their own notes so they know which printer they printed it on and what filament they used and any other useful information.

We hope these tips are helpful as you start your journey with your new 3D printer. If you have any questions or need any assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Happy printing!

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